Sarya Aslan FFXIV Housing profile.

I take commissions and gauge pricing based off of simplicity of design, housing size, and history with customer. I tunnel vision these commissions and so my prices are reflectant of that.I am comfortable designing all sizes of houses in FFXIV: from apartments to large builds. I love getting out of my comfort zone and will be down to design most concepts! I mostly specialize in venues -- mainly because that's where my housing career started. But, I also enjoy private homes and specialized designs (alchemists trove, pirate ships/builds, doctor's offices, etc.).

Thank you for your interest in my work! Below are some examples of previous and current builds! I also have linked my discord for those interested -- Just DM Me. Hope to hear from you soon 🤍

Moonlit Nightclub

Located: Plot 30, 12th Ward, The Goblet (Large). Spriggan | Chaos.[Inactive]The overall theme Elana implored for her venue design is -- of course -- moons! So, I went all out with multiple concepts of how I can apply moon-esque themes throughout the venue. I thoroughly enjoyed the wall of moons with the glittering effect combined with carbuncle lamps.

Located: Plot 00, 00st Ward, The Goblet (Large). | .[ACTIVE]Another version of the original MLK build -- same concept and color scheme! This design is all about the skylights from the phasmascapes.Complete with a casino table, VIP walkway, full bar, stages, and DJ booth.

Pirate Café Commission

Located: Plot 53, 1st Ward, The Lavender Beds (Small). Zalera | Crystal.[ACTIVE]The idea behind this specific commission was an intimate build that functioned as a small café and bar with an additional area for dancing and in-house DJ. I had a lot of fun with this build as I got to go out of my comfort zone and try both services!I tend to like to carve my designs, but I needed to make use of most of the space and sacrificed some details to do so! But then I focused on more statement pieces -- like the back wall downstairs and the fireplace upstairs!My favorite piece of this build was inspired by a friend: the pirate's crow's nest located right as you walk downstairs.

Hingan teahouse -- Duality Café

Located: Plot 21, 22nd Ward, The Lavender Beds (Medium). Goblin | Crystal.[ACTIVE]This build is personal to me in that it is something that has been in the works for quite some time! If you do use gshade, make sure it has a red hint to it so you can see the full capabilities of this build. The general concept is a Hingan-style café with applicable lounging areas. I wanted to keep the space open-concept, but intimate in the areas that would be in frequently use -- hence the false ceilings and raised floors.The kitchen in this build is my first attempt -- of many to come. Because I love this kitchen. It is hard to walk into the space and not feel the pull towards those steamers: to open and try a fresh dumpling or smell the spices of the various containers. As such, it is my favorite part of this design. I also enjoyed the cozy space downstairs created with the couches. Sitting in these sofas creates a feeling of privacy without the annoying, stuffy atmosphere associated with tighter spaces.

Iced Dancehall -- Divinity

Located: Plot 46, 11th ward. Lavender Beds (Medium), Zalera | Crystal.This is one of my favorite builds, and one of the most recent. This design-concept really allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and work at creating a modern Tron dancehall. As a designer, I really struggled with pacing the item count with modern builds because I love the little details within a build. So, the simplicity of this request allowed me to take a medium build and carve it such that the modern aspect is there, as well as the small details that I love: like the Dualism logo I added on the main dance floor and the detailed DJ booth with a heart silhouette on the main base.I am so privileged to be able to work with the materials I did and as a result, fall in love with this design every time I go in and look at it.

And... we did a remodel! ☻[ACTIVE]The owner of Divinity wanted to add a small, one-person bar and a larger dancefloor. This is the result of that!

PRIDE venue

Located: Plot 30, 23rd Ward. The Goblet (Large), Goblin | Crystal.[NOT ACTIVE]One of my recent builds designed for a pride collaboration. Firstly, I would like to state that I am so grateful for this opportunity to show all the support I could in aiding in this event. Not only was I able to participate as a venue and host, I was also able to make this design as the meeting place for the first day of the collaboration.I wanted to make this as symbolic and aesthetic as possible. I wanted to show the duality that most people in the LGBTQ+ have to show on a daily basis -- looking aesthetically pleasing to the 'norms' whilst also having bursts of personality seeping throughout the design. I wanted it to be colorful and in your face no matter where you turned the camera.My favorite part of the design is hard to chose honestly. This build is quirky and fun in all the right places. I love the fat cat couch and different lounging areas. I love the view from the top of the stairs, onlooking the bombard lamp in all it's underrated glory. I also just appreciate the beauty of each room for what is it -- I had an inspiring housing kick and designed this place overnight and fine tuned it in the following days leading up to the event. It's something that I put a lot of thought into and hit the ground running. I just wanted to see the happy look on my friends faces most of all, and I achieved that. And for that reason, this build holds fond memories.Anyways! I had a lot of fun both planning and participating in this. Thank you all who collaborated and allowed this build to come into fruition.

Fae Getaway Nightclub -- Fairy Tale Lounge

Located: Plot 30, 23rd Ward. The Goblet (Large), Malboro | Crystal.[NOT ACTIVE]This build, quite literally, hits home. My whole experience in most the communities I am a part of came to me as an owner for this venue. I am forever thankful for all of the opportunities and experiences I've been able to have thanks to this amazing community. The friends I've made along the way will always be in my mind, and I am forever grateful.So, it makes sense that I would have to go all out for this build right? Maybe it's not your aesthetic, but it's the core of what Fairy Tale Lounge is. I made sure to keep that mysteriously inviting feel on the upper floor with fairy stumps to guide you to the party below. I focused on intimate, yet spacious areas that are perfect for that nighttime roleplay or interesting gpose location. The bridge upstairs allowed me to think outside the box on what I could do downstairs due to the sinking of furniture items... and it's where the inspiration for a false ceiling came from. The cave feel came from my childhood obsession with the dwarves from Snow White -- when they went to work the mines. So, I wanted to bring that whimsical need for exploration in game. It's not until you turn the corner that you are met with the beautiful bar, casino, and dancers.The inspiration for the bar comes from another favorite: Sleeping Beauty. The stone cottage always spoke to me, so I knew exactly what I wanted for that bar and am so glad it translated so well. I could go on and on about this build, but I'll leave the further exploration to you!

Hannish Bathhouse

Located: Plot 30, 23rd Ward. The Goblet (Large), Goblin | Crystal.[ACTIVE]This bathhouse design was one of my longest to actually design as the owner and I kept changing the concepts... and I must say, seeing the finished product, I'm so glad we did. The main thing we both agreed on was intimacy and openness. In a bathhouse you want those coming in to feel welcome and relaxed. I believe I was able to achieve this through meticulously placed lighting and swag valences.This build is complete with a working sauna, cuddling pit, and 9 large baths located upstairs. For those needing to change into their bath attire, there are two changing rooms available across from reception located downstairs.My favorite aspect about this design is, honestly, the color scheme. The owner wanted opulence -- or as they deemed it, the 'wow factor' -- when entering both areas, so 'wow' I gave. I wanted people entering to feel fully immersed and make sure the build didn't feel stuffy since I covered the original windows and doors. To accomplish this, I added in two large faux windows on each floor as well as sensual lighting through the corridors.

Neon Nightclub -- Dualism

Located: Plot 30, 23rd Ward. The Goblet (Large), Zalera | Crystal.[NOT ACTIVE]The owner and I go way back and so I always enjoy doing builds for him. He always gives me a quick explanation of what he wants and needs for the builds and lets me have creative reign. With this build, the overarching theme was neon, fun, modern.This build has plenty waiting areas for those waiting for their remaining party and lounging for those not ready to tear up the dance floor! There is also a fully functional bar fit for two bartenders and: full dancefloor, staging for dancers and patrons, and a large DJ booth. In later builds I also was asked to put in a casino area after a few weeks of this build being active.I really focused on the use of neon colors available and tried to make this build fun with things like: a snow partition for throwing snowballs, seating in the raised alcove beds for dancers to sit while talking to patrons, an interactive coffin for the DJ booth, etc. But, like most builds I wanted to add an intimate touch, so I make sure to add their logo to the design as you'll see in the pictures (the circle with the two black and white lines).My favorite aspect of this build would probably be the arches leading to the downstairs area. The way the purple light played off the marble as you made your descent to the dancefloor was magical -- I don't think the pictures did it justice!

Intimate Cottage for one

Located: Plot 37, 13rd Ward. The Lavender Beds (Small), Goblin | Crystal.[ACTIVE]This build, for all intents and purposes, is my sanctuary. The main goal? As many small spaces that are perfect for cuddling up with a book and hot cuppa as possible. An area for entertaining guests, a small private bathroom, a messy desk complete with a coffee machine and carefully plucked books, a large downy mattress with a whole stores worth of pillows, and an artists corner for times when you need to get away without actually going anywhere.With this build, I had to cut a lot of the small in order to keep that feel that each space is its own separate area, without having to out in partitions or other dividers. I did maintain some of the structure by building into the stairs with a bath! I think my favorite part is just the openness achieved. Or the warm colors with accents of nature poking through. Or the bed. Let's be honest, it's the bed.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to look at my work! Commissions are currently open!

Contact Me!

All commissions are discussed through discord! We can meet in-game and begin coordinating, but I would like to use discord for record keepin'!All contact should go through me: Talungya#1263